At first I gave this game a low-rating, but it has a great learning curve. Just when I thought it was over, I discovering a bunch of new strategies.
Lol at 1-star review about a "wait" button. Its a silly request. The whole game is about not being able to "wait", and having to choose between spending a spell or taking a hit. Its like the game, Checkers.
At first I thought the game was silly because I couldnt make it past 50K points or so. And then I discovered the strategies below:
The vampire powerup works great, and you can kill them multiple times to refill your lives.
I dont really bother with the lightning, fireball, or dagger powerups, and the 3x chest isnt good either. You only need one powerup of the extra slots, you will never need 8 slots. Everything else goes into melee, vampire, life, firestorm, and freeze powerups, in roughly that order.
I try to maintain at least one warp, one freezeall, and one firestorm. These ones will save you. The other spells are just useful as "waits".
The rest of the game is just learning the movement patterns of the enemies. I hope the dev adds some things to work towards beyond points. GG.
texjer about Tiny Rogue